Year: 2013

Brilliant Corners

It’s been a long time coming but it is finally here, Brilliant Corners, our new hub for music, food, poetry, wine, and whatever else we fancy. Looking great, sounding amazing, the space is a blank canvas as Amit loves to say, nothing is definite, only quality.   For the time being I will be hosting […]


The 3 weeks between Xterra Germany and Xterra England weren’t the most exciting part of the year – I got the shingles (!) pretty much as soon as I got back to London, which meant a week of antiviral drugs followed by a week of antibiotics as one of the wounds got infected, together with […]


The original plan of racing XTERRA Italy didn’t happen because of my old grumpy friend Achilles, and instead of a nice week-end in the Abruzzes I was now in for an extended 10 day trip between Prachatice in eastern Czech Republic and Zittau at the corner of Germany, Czech and Poland. Not quite the same […]

Courir Méditations Physiques – Guillaume le Blanc

“La course est une fiction“ “L’art du marathonien est un art qui ne cesse de fuir, de devenir toujours plus mobile, liquide. La liquidité, c’est l’état gazeux du temps que le coureur parvient a éprouver quand il est en plein dehors, en état d’apesanteur ou presque et que son corps s’est à ce point dilaté […]


This was my 4th year in a row competing in Xonrupt, the land of the Charbonnier family, organisers of excellence. I’ve seen the race grow from superb to fantastic, in conditions ranging from extreme heat to mud fest to a mix of both. The race has now 850 starters, and that’s not counting the xterra […]


I wasn’t sure whether to do that one or not, having been ignored and then denied an entry by the organisers (i for one believe that the least they should do is to give free registration to the pros – not being a princess here, it’s hard enough financially as it is…) but still i […]

Mallorca / Lanzarote 2013

Mallorca A fiasco of a (70.3) race on a personal level, but a lovely week-end nonetheless with great friends on an island ever so majestic. Biking legs were totally missing, and I knew it as soon as I got on the bike…the same course where I had a ball last year and was dancing up […]