Category: Blog
Barefoot children
The barefoot mentality keeps on growing, and all the better for it
Embrunman 2012
Three weeks exactly after the fiasco of the Alpe d’Huez, I am back in Hautes-Alpes territory for the almighty Embrunman. Longest running triathlon in Europe, 29th edition this year. Toughest iron distance race in the world, arguably. The bike course is 188k long – we’re in France after all, so why not? – and includes […]
Saipan flashback
«Le sport de haut niveau, c’est tout sauf du bourrinage»
Belle analyse de Laurent Vidal sur les tribulations d’un triathlete olympique, et notamment sur l’alliance de l’école française et anglo-saxonne. De plus ça fait plaisir de voir que tous les triathlètes n’écoutent pas David Guetta
Retarder l’instant du crépuscule
Pour tous les amateurs de vélo et de belles lettres, ce livre est un bijou! A la question pourquoi (pourquoi se faire tant de mal, pourquoi passer des journées entières a pédaller, pourquoi ce besoin de compétition,…), Fottorino répond:
Does age affect your hearing?
Interesting – and reassuring – article taken from the originlive website: “I would like to start by saying that 25 years ago, I personally knew an excellent audio reviewer by the name of Peter Turner, who was still reviewing at the age of 80!In case you are wondering if his reviews were reliable, I can […]
Macca cruises @ 17.14 kph…
Impressive win for Macca at the Long Distance ITU World Champ thanks to a stellar run: 1h 44′ 55″ for 30k, roughly 2h 27′ marathon pace or 17.14 kph…seriously fast that is. Results
XTERRA South Asian Tour 2012
Mallorca, Austria, Italy
In pictures!