…the path is infinite! It was admittedly a bit of a shock to see my name followed by V35 in the category section. Really? Am I already a VETERAN? Didn’t see that one coming at all!, but heh there is still some life in the old dog. At least the winner was also a […]
Category: Blog
Knees and Elbows Deep in Deadly Mud Bog
First tentative ride of the autumn in Epping forest and it didn’t disappoint. The trails are customary muddy, not a surprise, but the fallen leaves covering the tracks allow for some nice little surprises…like this deadly bog I dove in head first. Invisible until I got right on it, front wheel got stuck right in […]
4 weeks off post 70.3 Pays d’Aix might be a bit much, but this seemed well needed, physically and mentally. The period was quite busy what with moving house (and all 15000 vinyl records or so), getting a cold etc…would never have made it 100% to Maui, so best option was to rest.
New RBMA mix
Running is my meditation…
This is what I’ve always told myself anyway…no need to go on a 10 day retreat or through the pains of daily meditation when I can go out and run in the woods for an hour. The state of mindfulness achieved through intense meditation is arguably very similar to the state of “being in […]
Xterra Japan 2012
One day in London to swap bikes in between the Embrunman and Xterra Japan, and off I go again in quest of new adventures. Tokyo is boiling hot when I arrive, 40°c and a humidity level that must be close to 100%! Walking the streets is quite an ordeal, but still I am so happy […]
Portrait du mois dans Triathlete magazine!
What a night!
Beauty & the Beat Tokyo 31/08/2012
guest mix on Dr Rob’s The Remedy, Samurai FM